For the modern correspondent, the Trompe card offers an out-of-the-box approach to classic stationery. Illustrated hands holding a note adorned with a calligraphed name on this card. Great for couples’ stationery, family stationery or personal stationery. Printed on 80 lb. pearl white stock with matching envelopes.
Flat Printed Trompe Card
When do I tell you what my name is?
As soon as you place your order we will be in touch to begin the customization, design and proofing process. You can also tell us your name in the comments section of your order, but we will still be in touch to confirm spelling, layout and design.
What if I want a different color ink?
No problem! That can be specified during the customization, design and proofing process. Single color is the same price, but to print in 2 colors will incur an up charge.
What if I want a return address?
That added customization can be added during the customization, design and proofing process.
What is the difference between a basic liner and a premium liner?
Basic liners are solid colors without any shimmer. Premium liners are patterned or shimmer liners.